Hanging Out

Hey, I wanted to make an icebreaker post.

I'm Eebor, this is my shop and blog. I'm still trying to navigate this whole thing.

My goal is to sort of split this website into two sections- a blog and a shop. I want to be able to display my art and WIPs, while also selling some silly designs. 

I'm still trying to find a way to manage that dichotomy; I don't want to create too sharp of a tonal shift, but I also want all my projects on the same website. I'm trying to build a YouTube channel, as well. 

There's so much stuff I want to do. I love video essays, commentary, comedy, gameplay, etc. I'm hoping I'll be able to plant my roots on this page and branch out.

I don't want to come off like I'm pandering with all of the content that's soon to come- there's a lot I'm passionate about and want to explore. 

Anyways, I hope I can bring some laughs to y'all and get this thing rolling. 



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